To have a successful Internet business, you only need this things :
1. Product
2. Copywriting
It really is that simple. If you have those three things competently performed, you will have a succesful, profitable Internet business. Let's talk about competency in each of those three areas and how you can quickly master each one.
You need a product that people want. Don't fall in love with a product just because you think it's cool. I'll go into details in a future article, but I look at two things to determine if a product is wanted enough for me to sell it :
1. Are there people searching for that product (I use the Overture tool)
2. Are fellow marketers willing to pay a significant amount of money for traffic for that search term because people are buying (I also use the Overture tool).
I multiply those two numbers. If the result is higher than the result for the product "air guns", I'm willing to get into that market. Why "air guns"? It was simply my first profitable product. Can products that score lower than "air guns" be profitable? I'm sure they can, but there are enough markets that score higher than "air guns", I'm not willing to chance it.
BTW, don't get too hung up on the product. It is the least important of the three items. Copywriting and traffic are infinitely more important to your business. Don't spend two years developing a product. For more details go to There are already thousands of products available on the Internet that you can market and earn a percentage as an affiliate. Choosing your product should take no longer than a half an hour, not two years. You can run the numbers for 6-10 product ideas in less than half an hour and make your decision. Then start concentrating on what really matters which is.
Now you need to describe your product. You will do this in many ways. You will create a sales page on a web-site that will describe the product and try to sell it. You will write small text ads to run on PPC search engines. You will write similar one and two line descriptions to enter into affiliate networks. You will write articles and resource boxes for those articles. For more details go to You may even write a signature line for use on forums.
The point is that copywriting is what conveys the message about your product. It is simply some words. You can sometimes uses pictures and videos, but it is generally the words that actually do the selling. Don't forget that you are in the business of words.
How do you decide what words to use? You have three choices if you are a beginner :
1. Hire a high priced copywriter. Generally you will want to pay $5,000-$10,000 per sales page for a decent copywriter. Drop me a note if you want referrals. I know two of the best.
2. Use copywriting software that scores words. I recommend Glyphius which you can read more about at It scores your prospective ad copy against a massive database of profitable ads. You can simply make up some copy and click the score button. Then change it and click the score button again. Pick the highest scoring text after you have worked with it for awhile. You'll have copy that the pros will envy and more importantly copy that will convert that traffic into customers.
Source : ArticleAlley