Article marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote an Internet Business today. Many people prefer it over other methods of Internet promotion including pay per click advertising. However one thing that does scare people off is the time that it takes to do article marketing.
In this article we will look at a quick and easy way that anyone with a little bit of time and money can use article marketing to build their Internet business.
Did you know that for around $100 a month you can have thousands of unique articles on the Internet promoting your business in some of the most popular article directories?
Here is exactly how you can do that.
1. Hire an article writer to write eight articles a month for you. These articles should target specific keyword phrases from your keyword list. If you do not have a keyword list you should build one, or have your article writer do it for you.
2. Use an article submission software or service to submit your articles. Some of these services provide a spinning utility to create more unique versions of your article for distribution. You can make each article unique from the other so that when they are submitted to article directories each one is getting a unique version. The article directories love this and so do the search engines who are spidering these directories for fresh content.
3. Another thing you can do is use spinning software to create unique articles yourself. There are many of these available on the market today and using them is not that hard to do. The primary point we are making is that you want to take your eight articles and make unique versions out of them before you submit them to the article directories.
4. Of course if you do not want to do any of this you can outsource this function as well. Your article writers should be able to write content that is presentable and interesting to read.
Submitting two articles a week is not that hard to do and any serious Internet marketer can do it. The benefit of doing this over time is you will develop thousands of back links to your website that can lead to quality traffic on a consistent basis.
This is a pretty quick and easy way to do article marketing that anyone can do. You can be as involved as you want, or you can outsource some of it to depending on your busy schedule.
And this article was get from best article in the word : ArticleAlley